Everywhere Every day!

OTS EXPRESS is the go-to last mile solution provider for local and international merchants and key couriers to due high geographic reach that covers the most rural & remote areas

We understand Delicacy!

With diligent security and background checks performed routinely on staff, OTS EXPRESS is entrusted with cold chain, legal and other delicate logistical needs

We speak ecommerce!

Facilities, teams, equipment and systems. Across the Middle East, OTS is ready from the ground-up to serve local, regional and international players.

Partnership in the DNA!

In a bespoke manner, OTS EXPRES is committed to numerous PPPs with vital public sector entities with like Jordan’s national mail operator, JO Post, and others.

Professional teams with experience in the most remote areas, trained and equipped to handle various situations Managers and teams are focused and organized with high collaboration for effective action based on real world scenarios


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